Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
postie love
The kids and I have had a lovely few days getting ready and posting out the Kids mail swap #2. And we did it on time!! Unheard of here, organisation is not one of my strengths. Thanks again Christie!
I really don’t know why we don’t do that sort of thing more often, probably because I’m not organised enough! We have tones of people we could send letters and postcards too. Might make it a monthly thing.
And in other postie news………I WON STUFF! Lots of fantastic stuff from the lovely Miss Belinda from tutti fruiti. So generous! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Lovely fabric!!
Belinda ran a blog give away after returning from her trip to
And all these lovely things!
Now I'm off, packing and moving for the next week, so next time you hear from me we'll be in our new house!! No more wall to wall builders!! Yay!
Thank you so much for all the love comments! I really miss my sewing group down south and having you peeps here is a lovely alternative :)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
too much...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
it's been a year!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
something fishy finished!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
something fishy ready to quilt
Monday, May 11, 2009
Hi lovely ones! I hope the mums out there had a wonderful, peaceful day. I really enjoyed mothers day this year. Sometimes mothers day can feel like a huge disappointment, not this year! The kids brought gifts from the fete at school, really thoughtful ones, not grab the most colourful or popular thing. And after just getting back form work late Friday husband tried really hard to looking after everything without my help, even growled at me for trying to do the washing. Thankyou family for a lovely day!! How was your day?
Seeing as though I wasn’t allowed to ‘do’ anything yesterday, by late afternoon I was bored out of my mind, so I finally started clearing out my ‘scraps’. I have scraps that have come with me from Ballarat to Horsham to Tassie to Horsham again and finally here! Some have been boxed up that long, other I have been added too.
So this morning I finished it! No zip, just lovely elastic, mother of four best friend.
Not a hem lover, so just rolled hemmed it and used scraps from the throw out pile to make the other pocket. See, I might need them!
Friday, May 8, 2009
in the post
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
international midwives day
But I’m not.
See a very dear friends of mine texted me this morning to say she was in hospital suffering PND (post natal depression). PND is horrible and yuck and dark and scary and just pain not fair. I am so sad that her and her family have to go through this. I’m frustrated that I am at the other end of the country. I am pissed off that in this day and age there are still not enough services for families suffering! Not enough mental health services full stop! Especially is you are in the country.
I know lots of lovely capable ladies who have suffered. Many that suffer in silence because they are scared of what people will think and sometimes scared of themselves. I had PND with 2 of my lovelies and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I was so desperate not to have it with no. 4, I even seriously considered eating my own placenta….I know, but PND is just that hideous.
On the flip side, without PND I would not have met some of my dearest friends. I don’t think I would be sewing and crafty and I definitely don’t think I would be the mother and wife I am today.
I hope one day my dear friend can get something positive out of this yucky experience.
BTW Check out Aunty Cookies blog and fundraiser she has organised for panda. You rock Sharron and co!!
Monday, May 4, 2009
long weekend
....into at least people don’t know where I do my banking and could possibly take to the supermarket bags…
There was six more but the office ladies at school ran away with them.
Now I am off to eat brownies and caramel slice, and then take the kids for a looong bike ride. We don't have a wii here people, exercise the old fashion way.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
first go
My first go at swirly machine quilting. Getting there, tricky but lots of fun! Hope to finish this week. Also working on mothers day stall gifts for school, need those finished for Tuesday, good thing it is a long weekend here.
Also big thankyou to those who have left comments! Love it. Thanks xox
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Part of the reason we are moving is to try and save rent. Darwin is the most expensive capital city for rent in the country, something to be proud of, or so it seams…..And the other part is this….
We have 4 builders currently on this block….
And once finished probably before the end of the year (usually take 3 months to build) we would have 6 neighbours on our fence line!!
And yes, they are that close!! About 4 metres. Not sure if I should be saying good morning to the builders while hanging out my undies or not….perhaps not, but you get the idea!! So I am pretty jack of the noise and dirt and lack of privacy. So were off, again, hopefully the next move will be into our own home!
Next time, something crafty.....