Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Or be right back.

Things around here have taken on a whole new level of crazy. We have had mum and sis visit.....rats visit.....friends visit....friends that visited had nits (treated once they got here and realised).....too many late night and too many beers.....a mouse inside.....mice outside..... 3 out of 4 kids very sick with gastro.....hubby still dying of gastro.....20 thousand million loads of washing.....rats have returned to visit.....shit still all over the front and.....real estate agent coming on Thursday.

Oh and did I mention that the NT has 4 weeks holidays. Now. In the middle of the dry. So kids are driving me mad.

And I almost forgot, the crackers just keep going off so boy one is sleeping with me as he is terrified of the crackers.....

So I'll be right back once the super crazy has end and the normal crazy has returned.

Now, I'm off. Back to looking up divorce lawyers, adoption agencies and just how much do you need to drink to get discount shares in liquorland?!?

PS I will still be over here though if you miss me too much xox


Brooke - Little Miss Moi said...

Oh my god, what a nightmare. I hope everything is sorted soon. Time for your hubby to get better and help you out with all those chores like looking for divorce lawyers ha ha ha!

rachelmp said...

Wow! I hope you get chance for a good sit down!

Cat said...

Bianca you poor thing. Hope the little ones and the big one get better soon, and the unwanted visitors don't return. Take care and that things return to normal soon. Smiles Catherine:)

Kelly said...

Oh My...it sounds like crazy times at your place! I hope things settle down soon. I posted your parcel yesterday for the swap. I hope you enjoy it :)

Black Eyed Susie said...

Oh dear. You poor things. Don't you love the way hubbies always get sick in the holidays?

Thanks for visiting. We're so proud of Arj!

Kate said...

I hope your weekend has been better than your week.

Innerparent said...

I love this post, even though it is very hectic (fortunately those friends with nits didn't leave those buggers behind).... the way you have written it is very funny and I've had a good old laugh.... esp at the liquorland shares.... ha ha ha! Thank you xxx

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