Sunday, May 24, 2009


ATTENTION - always check machine tension BEFORE quilting for an hour *insert swear words and tantrum here* Off to unpick, for like the next 3 days *insert more swear words*


Vera Jean said...

How did you find the hour to begin with??? Looks nice though..shame about the damn tension..

Mel Goodsell said...

oh noooo. I would have cried!!

I love your yo-yos in the post too Bianca :)) Good luck with the unpicking. How sad :((

Cat said...

Hi there Bianca my name is Catherine and I found your blog through Melissa and thought I would say hi.(she is so sweet) Sorry to here of your quilting fiasco, I haven't quilted but I know how annoying it is to unpick sewing. I hope next time will have a better outcome.:)

Bron said...

quilting looks awesome - I just can't think of anything to say about the tension that is publishable - even my attempts at sympathy would include many choice words. Here, let's try this, SORRY! Hey that's OK to be published!!!

Unknown said...

Oh no! Well it looks fabulous, does ease the pain? How on earth did you sew that like that? Is there some special footer you need?

Unknown said...

Sorry - hope you can make sense of that - sitting here at 12.42am waiting for my screaming baby to go off to sleep - he's still in our room!

Unknown said...

Thanks for your encouraging words on my blog. I hope things are going better for you at the moment. And sorry about those terrible comments above: no sleep = crazy woman!

Bianca Jae Makes Stuff said...

No, thank you Miss Polka Dot for taking the time out to read and comment! I use a darning foot with the feed dogs down. Supper fun, give it a go, once you have finished that 'dress up'!! xox

Thanks everyone! Think I will have to pack it up until after the big move :(

Kylie said...

Oh no hugs - I think that I would still be swearing and jumping up and down like a three year old having a tantrum! Hope that you are able to unpick it - it does look good though all the same!

Vickie said...

oh how I feel your pain..that loopey doopey under stitch just tears ya heart out....I have been where you was at..not soo long ago..painful to ssay the least..but a big leso learned eh?cheers Vickie

Vickie said...

oh yeah I forgot too say your swirls do look great

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